Monday, August 2, 2010

July 30 and also August 1

Plan: We were having our last Summer Reading Club performer for the year: the Yo-Yo Kid! I had to work the Childrens desk, but I met him when he got here and asked him if he needed anything while he was setting up. I wanted to snag him on his way out and interview him. Well, that didn't work because I got swamped helping kids. I went a different route and e-mailed him telling him what I wanted and asking him to call me. And he did!

Who I met: Ian Cole is our youngest performer at the library. He's 18 years old; barely old enough to sign the performer's contract and make it legally binding. I don't know why, but I just found him really interesting. And even though I'm going to send him this link and he's going to read it, I don't mind telling you that I've been cracking jokes all summer about him being so young that his Mom drives him to gigs, and asking what happens if he can't work because he's grounded.

What I learned: Ian's going to be a freshman at K State next year in Manhattan, Kansas. Immediately we had something to talk about because my step-sister, Danielle is starting her junior year there. I asked him what he was studying, and it's architecture-the same! He said that was great to hear that she liked it so much. It was shocked that he only started yo-yoing 6 years ago. I guess I had jsut assumed that he had been doing it since he was much younger because he's won so many championships. He just saw some crazy yo-yoing on TV and decided he wanted to do it, then he ordered a competitive yo-yo and a book off the internet, and he got started. I asked him, "Are you more of a sock or a shoe?" and the teenager in him came out with the standard response: "I don't know." "Well, take a minute." I said. "OK... I guess I'm more of a shoe because I like to get out there and be seen." I was not at all surprised at all by this answer. I mean, he performs for a living, so he must want to be out there in the open.
So, Ian, thank you. Best of luck in school!
Thanks to Dave Moore for the photos!

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